Sunday, July 13, 2008

Iron Man

Plot Summary: When wealthy weapons manufacturer Tony Stark is captured and nearly killed by militants in Afghanistan, he realizes the errors of his ways and constructs a super hero suit to fight against evil.

Movie Groupie Jabber: Best. Movie. Of. The. Summer. Hands down. Well, so far anyway. The movie is funny, action packed and even includes a little romance. Robert Downey Jr. brings Tony Stark to life while Gwyneth Paltrow, though a lot like her character in Sky Captain, is perfect as Pepper Potts. There is a torture scene toward the beginning of the movie that probably earned its PG-13 rating, so I wouldn't take younger children to see it, though. Iron Man moves at a brisk pace and the action is exhilarating. Honestly, I think one of the main reasons I enjoyed this movie so much is because Robert Downey Jr. (a long time Iron Man comic fan, by the way), so earned this role and it is a joy to watch him shine.

My Score: 94
Metacritic: 79
Rotten Tomatoes: 93

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