Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Dark Knight

Plot Summary: Batman returns to fight the evil Joker and his minions.

Movie Groupie Jabber: First of all, this movie is very dark. I keep asking myself if I liked it better than Iron Man, but they are so different, it's hard to compare. While Iron Man was full of light humor and fun action, Batman is full of murder, madmen and sometimes disturbing ideas. I almost question its PG-13 rating, though there isn't a lot of blood or profanity. However, the ideas are dark, very dark. Heath Ledger really made the movie for me. He WAS the Joker. Shuold he be nominated for an Academy Award? Maybe. Would I recommend this movie? Absolutely. But don't take the kids.

My Rating: 96 (I know, it's higher that Iron Man)
Metacritic: 82
Rotten Tomatoes: 95

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