Plot Summary: Young Sophie invites three of her mom's old boyfriends to her wedding in Greece in hopes of determining which one is her father.
Movie Groupie Jabber: I am really not a fan of musicals. I didn't like Hairspray or *gasp* Chicago. I prefer live theatre if I'm going to see a musical. But Mama Mia was actually fairly entertaining. Amanda Seyfried steals the show as Sophie, and Meryl Streep leaves no doubt as to her amazing talents as a vocalist. Some parts of the movie were painfully corny, especially at the beginning, but I couldn't stop smiling during "Dancing Queen." Of course the three men, Pierce Brosnan, Stellan Skarsgard, (Bootstrap Bill, if you can't place him) and Colin Firth were adorable, and Molly Weasely (Julie Walters) can sing!
My Score: 74
Metacritic: 51
Rotten Tomatoes: 53